HighSchool R(u/o)les
Det finns ett par regler när du kommer till en ny skola,
NR.1 BRÅKA INTE MED SKOLANS FAVORIT (olika för varje skola men typ en idrottshjälte)
NR.2 Hamna inte i en fejd med basket/fotboll/hockeylaget/ hejarklacken
NR 3 Bråka inte med en i "laget" (leder alltid till nr 2)
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New School, new people same labials. The very first day often decides your status in school and the fooling days, if you remain status-less it depends on how effective you are in the classroom, answer too much you become the teachers pet, to little you are stupid or shy. If you sit in the back or in front, everything matters. But do I take my one advice no.
First day after being awake in 10minutes, I entered High School, in sneakers and T-skirt that said: I am not deaf, I am just ignoring you! Of course not in English, but that would had been a good idea, sat in the back between to guys that probably was on something, after asking me 15times what it meant, or not repeating it until the teacher came. My first day and already two week's detention, fantastic don't you think so. With pissing of one teacher I decided to pay the rest some attention. By lunch time I WAS STARVING and of course the bad day continued, picture the worst food you can imagine grossed out but starving I got inline a saw that people in front of me was getting pizza, and there was going to be a piece for me. If I could without people looking at me as if I had gotten insane I probably would have jumped up and down. Then something happened that would determine my whole existence in that school. Some guy cut in front of me and took my slice as I was reaching for it. And took a bite, my day was a bad day already so of course I gave him a piece of my mind. Every one there turned and stared at me, I had broken role number 1. I had started sort of a fight with the schools favourite. If I had been a size bigger with some muscles and been a boy, I would have gotten my ass kicked. But being a girl in my size has its benefits, first he just looked at me confused at the fact at something that short could be so laud and said I am sorry. Hungry and still angry I took a knife the pizza sliced it of where he had bitten it of and went on my way. I wasn't anybody, not a teachers pet, I had just gotten myself a whole new category.
The following days people moved when I came there way, shut up or looked away if the I saw them looking at me. I had maid people afraid of me it was cool but a bit lonely. Any way I was sitting in the cafeteria minding my on business when I nosiest them just standing there I looked up ready to defend myself against the teachers. I had gotten a slightly bad reputation if something was gone or broke I was there first visit. But there where no teachers, only two people from my class I looked at them, and got a signal to take my headphones of. I didn't have a chance before he asked can we sit down. I looked at them for a couple of seconds before I took my foot and pushed out two stools and nodded. I had just maid friends, without knowing how.
The other thing that decides you status in school is the crib, your house that is. To live in a small apartment with your family isn't very cool. Do you instead live in a mansion size house with your folks gone you get a pretty big party status, witch probably leads to a high status if the right people comes of course. My place was a hotel room until my dad finally figured out that a house would be nice, a chance for me to get some roots. My dad and I don't really know each other, but one thing we have in common it is that house. The house was cribs worthy; you know the show on MTV. First I thought he was selling it or something like that. But after the tour of the place, he just said I know it's not in the city like the hotel but its time to get our one place don't you think so. Then it hit me this was going to be my home, my place and I could only say this Shut up, are you serious!
If you ever been away from home a long time you know the feeling when you come back, its just better. I was finally coming home, and everything was going my way.
Well at least for a couple of days, it took 2 weeks before we finally moved in. My room was still not completely finished, I was going to do it myself at least most of it anyway. The first night I spent in my brand new room was messy I couldn't sleep before 4 a clock then at six, six thirty I heard that sound, that dam sound. It was a basketball and a boy, playing one on one with himself. As a new neighbour you should be nice and at least not piss them of the first time you meet them, as people say you only get one chance to make a good first impression. But with only two hours of sleep, the best I could do was to yell
-: What the hell are you doing! So he missed the basket, then he looked up and saw me standing there. Then he just said you are new right? I really wanted to go back to sleep for a couple of hours so I just nodded and said can you please stop that, just for a hour or so. He looked at me with a Dennis the Menace look, like he know something I didn't and said if you get the ball in the basket I be quiet, promise. And smiled, he had one of those ice melting smiles. I suck in basketball every single person that have seen me knows that but I didn't care so I said sure why not and went out there in my pyjamas and a robe and said give me the ball. How I did it I really don't know but I nailed it, had it been a game I would have gotten three points. He stood there a bit confused, wondering what just happened then he said nice, I had only few words at that time thank you, good night then I left wounding where I had seen him before. I figured it out later that day it was the pizza guy and not the good one. My neighbour was the schools favourite and living side by side was not going to be easy...
My dad was out of town for the week and everything was going as usual teachers yelled at me for my smartass comments, making fun of the cheerleaders. Now I don't have anything against them really but when they act stupid, I just can't stand it. So I make blond and stupid jokes, the blond part is just because they are blonds. But I can admit that they have a brain, they just don't use it under class. When you got one as your lab partner for the day its hard not to do something about it. And I know I shouldn't but I did, when she looked at me in that way and then said you do it, I couldn't resist saying no, do your part and I do mine. It was an easy thing to do had you even just looked up when he was going through it on the blackboard you could do it. But of course she was hadn't been paying him any attention, her little phone had gotten all her attention I guess a boyfriend or one of her blond subjects, yeah I probably should tell you that I was sitting next to the queen bee, the head cheerleader. When she finally figured out I wasn't going to do this she looked around and starred at the board, it was looking at a Guinn pig trapped in its wheel. Yes I admit I might be a little bitch sometimes but not that often. It took her 30 minutes to get it right, it would had taken her 5-10 minutes tops if she had listened, we where the last to go. It bugged me a bit I am always one of the first to leave, and of course he wanted an explanation, I said we divided the work evenly. Witch wasn't exactly true I had the paperwork and I had already gotten ½ of the experiment finished.
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